07917716931 Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club

Coaches, Judges, and Officials Code Of Conduct


Coaches, judges, and officials must develop a positive relationship with their participants (and others) based on openness, honesty, mutual trust, and respect.

A copy of this document will be given to you to sign when you become a coach or when relevant.

As a coach, judge, or appointed official, you are in a position of trust that others will look to for guidance and support. With that in mind, you will:

  • Conform to standards of behaviour, fair and inclusive treatment and good manners specified in these Codes of conduct and in all applicable Archery GB rules and policies.
  • Ensure that you receive training and understand your responsibilities under the qualifications and policies applicable to your role.
  • Respect the spirit of fair play.
  • Be impartial, fair, and consistent.
  • Not misuse the position of trust that has been invested in you by archers, adults at risk, under 18s, parents and carers.
  • Act ethically, professionally and with integrity, and take responsibility for your actions.
  • Be aware that your attitude and behaviour directly affects the behaviour of archers under your supervision.
  • Ensure the safety of yourself and others.
  • Do not spend time alone with under 18s or adults at risk, (for example 1 to 1 coaching) unless clearly within eyesight and earshot of other adults.
  • Never coach or officiate when under the influence of alcohol or drugs (except prescribed drugs).
  • Be aware of the current national and international regulations on anti-doping in sport. You will not assist, support, or ignore practices that contravene national or international anti-doping regulations.
  • Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date and being appropriately qualified for the activities that you lead.
  • Renew your coaching or judging licence as and when required by Archery GB.
  • Ensure your DBS/Access NI or PVG vetting check is up to date where required.
  • Keep up to date with safeguarding training as required.
  • Ensure that activities being conducted are suitable for the participants age, strength, maturity, experience, and ability of the individual.
  • Explain exactly what you expect of others, and what they should expect of you, ensure parents and carers also understand.
  • In circumstances where you need to demonstrate a technique through physical contact, always provide an explanation and seek consent before touching an archer (never touch an archer aged under 18 to demonstrate a technique without another adult being present).
  • Report immediately any accidental injury, distress, mis-understanding or misinterpretation of an incident involving an archer to the Club Welfare Officer and involve the parents/carers of any archer under 18 as appropriate.
  • Have an up-to-date working knowledge of your facilities, risk assessments and other appropriate documentation.


All members shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with and agreed to be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.

The member agrees to cooperate fully with any World Anti- Doping Code compliant anti-doping investigations or proceedings, whether conducted by UK Anti- Doping or any other competent body.

The UK Anti-Doping Rules apply to all members participating in Archery for a minimum of 12 months from the commencement of membership, in accordance with Archery GB Rules of Conduct, whether or not the member is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK.

Reporting Breaches of the Code must be reported, and those receiving the reports must treat them seriously, and confidentially.

All parties, including those under suspicion of the breach, should be treated fairly.

To report a breach, you can:

  • Talk to your club Welfare Officer or Event Organiser about what you have experienced, witnessed, or heard.
  • Follow this up with a letter or email and include details of witnesses to the behaviour.
  • Report serious concerns of abuse, bullying, discrimination, and anti-doping should be reported to Archery GB’s safeguarding team safeguarding@archerygb.org.
  • Contact Archery GB if you feel the report of the breach has not been handled appropriately.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest refers to a situation in which an individual, who can influence a decision, has the potential to exploit that position to benefit personally, for a friend, family member or another connection at the expense of the club/organisation’s best interests.

For example, a Club Chair receives a complaint about the conduct of a coach. The Club Chair is also the County Secretary and in a relationship with the coach.

Declaring any potential or actual conflicts of interest must be made up front, so that appropriate action can be taken to remove that conflict. To always ensure integrity, each person must make decisions that are unbiased and ethical when undertaking their responsibilities at their club and organisation.