07917716931 Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club


At Sleaford Maltsters Archery club, we are committed to safeguarding, ensuring everyone can enjoy archery activities in a safe, happy and welcoming environment.

Our policies provide guidance on how our club aim to protect children and young or vulnerable adults by:

  • Prioritising the welfare of everyone that accesses our club
  • Creating and maintaining the ‘safest possible’ environment for everyone
  • Taking all reasonable steps to promote safe practices and protection from harm, abuse or exploitation
  • Promoting a culture which embraces diversity and respects everyone’s rights

We all have a responsibility to act if we are in any way concerned for another’s well-being. This should be done even if an incident occurs outside of Sleaford Maltsters environment. More importantly, never dismiss what a child, young or vulnerable adult tells you as lies or exaggeration.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.


Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club is affiliated to Archery GB. It is a requirement that we adopt the Archery GB Policy and Guidelines for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.

The Archery GB dedicated safeguarding web page is full of useful information for everyone involved in archery, there are a number of safeguarding policies and guides that you can view and download. We have also adapted policies to our own club. Links to specific documents are below:

Sleaford Maltsters Logo
Anti-bullying policy
Sleaford Maltsters Logo
Lower level concern policy
Sleaford Maltsters Logo
Safeguarding adults policy
Sleaford Maltsters Logo
Safeguarding and protecting children and young people policy

Reporting a concern

For any concerns please contact Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club welfare officer at club nights, or email welfare@sleafordmaltsters.com. If you feel you cannot speak to the welfare officer, you can speak to another member of the Committee, or you can contact Archery GB direct, for more information visit their reporting a concern web page.

Useful Contacts

Always contact 999 in an emergency

County and National Archery contacts:

Other useful contacts