07917716931 admin@sleafordmaltsters.com Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club

Code of Conduct


Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators, and parents or carers associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.

Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the club’s Safeguarding Officer Samantha Smith. Samantha can be contacted at welfare@sleafordmaltsters.com, or you can speak to her in person at most club nights.

Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club (the Club) has adopted the following version of the Archery GB Code of Conduct for use by all club members and parents/carers of junior members/vulnerable members with immediate effect.

A copy of this document will be given to you to sign when you join the club or when relevant.

In addition to the Archery GB code that has been adopted in full, we have added one or two small additional points to reflect the needs of the Club.

The Archery GB Codes of Conduct exist to protect and promote the sport of archery and outlines the behaviour expected from all participants within the sport at every level. As the National Governing Body, Archery GB is responsible for setting the standards and values that apply at every level.

This Code encapsulates all the sporting, moral and ethical principles that archery represents. The code of conduct applies to all participants when they are taking part in or involved in the sport of archery whether in person or using on-line platforms (including messaging and social media).

The term “participants” in this document include all members, those who support members (including parents/carers), spectators, coaches, officials, and volunteers.

The code of conduct also applies to those associated with Archery GB and involved in archery while outside the UK. Other codes may also apply, for example Archery GB elite archers team member agreements and Coaches/Judges Code. In those circumstances, this code of conduct will also apply.

Coaches, judges and officials will need to sign an additional Code of Conduct to this one at the time of joining the Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club.

Standards of behaviour and conduct for all participants

Respect the spirit of fair play in archery, I will:

  • Encourage a welcoming, safe, inclusive, and open environment where skills, development, teamwork, and enjoyment are promoted
  • Adhere to the rules of shooting and the spirit of archery
  • Display and promote high standards of behaviour
  • Promote fair play – I will not cheat, complain, or waste time
  • Do my best to make sure the sport is enjoyable for everyone
  • Accept success and failure with dignity
  • Be on time for training, competitions and events
  • Never take part in or accept public criticism of fellow archers, coaches, or officials
  • Respect archery facilities and equipment
  • Try to arrive early enough at club evenings and club events to help set up the equipment for shooting and, if present at the end of the session, to help take down and put away the club equipment

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of my fellow archers, I will:

  • Speak to my fellow archers, spectators, coaches, judges, and officials with respect
  • Respect the decision of officials
  • Set a positive example to others
  • Remember that everyone makes mistakes
  • Always respect the confidentiality of other archers
  • Treat other people’s information in line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Always have the best interests of my fellow archers at heart

Protect others from any form of abuse including verbal or physical abuse and threatening or intimidating behaviour, I will:

  • Never use or accept racist, sexist, homophobic, abusive, discriminatory, or insulting language, gestures, or behaviour
  • Not discriminate against a person or group of people as a direct or indirect result of their age, disability, sex, race, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marriage, and civil partnership, pregnancy, or maternity status
  • Never use sexually suggestive behaviour or language
  • Ensure that any physical contact is appropriate and necessary, and is carried out within applicable guidelines, and (except in a medical emergency) only with the other person’s (and/or if the person is under 18 or is particularly vulnerable with parental/carer’s) consent
  • Never take part in or accept bullying, intimidation, harassment, or discrimination of any person
  • Never use or accept the use of social media to abuse, bully, intimidate, discriminate, or harass anyone
  • Protect others from abuse and harm including verbal, physical abuse, and threatening behaviour
  • Challenge poor practice and discrimination
  • Raise concerns about abuse, poor practice, discrimination, or misconduct and know how to raise a concern
  • Seek advice from either my club, county association, regional society, or Archery GB when my concerns are ignored. Contact details are available at www.sleafordmaltsters.com/safeguarding

Do my best to ensure my own safety and the safety of others, I will:

  • Never take part in archery when under the influence of alcohol or drugs (excluding prescribed drugs)
  • Adhere to policies and or rules in place regarding smoking and the use of vapes
  • Place the well-being, safety, and enjoyment of each archer above everything, including standards of performance
  • Protect other archers from abuse, bullying and discrimination
  • Avoid being alone (no other adult is present) with children (person under 18) or adults at risk, (where carrying out 1 to 1 coaching, or other official duties involving children, or adults at risk). This includes:
    • Never take an under 18 to an archery event or activity alone on a journey
    • Never inviting or allowing an under 18 archer to stay at my home unsupervised
    • Always ensuring engagement with under 18s and adults at risk using on-line platforms is with the parent/carers consent
    • Never contacting an archer aged under 18 without the knowledge of their parent/carer
    • Never share accommodation with an under 18
  • Keep to Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club and Archery GB’s rules and policies including: safeguarding policies, equality and diversity policy, on-line and social media policy, anti-doping rules and anti-bribery policy.
  • Take personal responsibility and tell Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club secretary about any changes to my personal information where my behaviour or conduct has or is may be perceived to have breached this code of conduct.

We ask the parents / carers of children and young people to:

  • Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them
  • Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials
  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results
  • Never force your child to take part in sport
  • Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all
  • Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes
  • Publicly accept officials’ judgements
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport
  • Use correct and proper language at all times
  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour
  • Ensure your child arrives in plenty of time to set up equipment for the start of shooting
  • Ensure your child wears appropriate clothing for club nights (T-shirt) and suitable outdoor clothing for the weather conditions on the day
  • Juniors under 12 must be accompanied by parent/legal guardian throughout the shooting session, or by a responsible adult chosen by the parent/legal guardian
  • It is your responsibility to arrange collection of your child at the end of each session – any alternative arrangements must be communicated to the club prior to each session
  • Respect the personal space of other parents, adults and especially young people at any event by making sure you avoid any unnecessary, inappropriate or unwanted physical or verbal contact.

Breaking the Code of Conduct

By joining Archery GB and Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club, participants agree to abide by this Code of Conduct, all Archery GB Policies, Rules, Regulations and Procedures.

Archery GB and Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club therefore has the right to investigate and take disciplinary action against any alleged breaches of this Code of Conduct and our Policies, Rules, Regulations and Procedures, which may bring Archery GB and Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club into disrepute.

Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club reserve the right to rescind anyone’s membership and/or refuse admission to the club and/or archery range of any participants who breach the above codes and policies.