07917716931 Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club

Environmental Policy


The policy aims to provide a written record of the Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club’s environmental goals, to set out how the committee and members can help to bring about environmental improvements, ensure legal compliance and align our activity to the UK Sport’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy “Team of Tomorrow”.

We are all affected by Climate Change and we need to act. We have all seen the catastrophic effects of freak weather conditions, the flooding so regularly hitting us. Archery is affected by these conditions in its own way, and we have seen local clubs affected by flooding.

Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club is committed to:

  • Providing a safe and pleasant environment for all members and visitors;
  • Enhancing the natural environment of the outdoor archery range for the benefit of members, visitors and wildlife;
  • Conserving energy and water;
  • Reducing waste;
  • Preventing pollution;
  • Promoting wider environmental change by careful choice of products and services;
  • Working in collaboration with neighbours and partners; and
  • Fostering a positive ethos about environmental issues that will positively impact all adults, young people and visitors who come into contact with the Club.

The Club will form an Environmental Working Group (EWG) to help design and delivery our aims and will report to the committee and members.

Where relevant we will work with other bodies, e.g. the landlord, local authorities, grant bodies, wildlife and nature bodies, planning authorities, local community groups and neighbours.

In order to work towards the principles outlined above, the Club will organise its actions into a number of strands and related objectives. We will endeavour to create Action Plans to ensure we can reach our objectives.

Throughout this Policy the word “We” refers to the Club committee and the EWG, though the committee may delegate the practical tasks to anyone in the Club.

1. Flora and Fauna

The archery range has the potential to be of significant value in promoting wildlife but a balance must be struck between the needs of a functioning archery range and wildlife needs; though these need not be incompatible.

1.1. Protected species

  • We will research and take advice with regard to protected and rare species on the archery range.
  • Any protected or rare species present on the field will be identified to members and visitors.
  • Archery range management will be developed to take account of protected or rare species.

1.2. Habitats outside of the field of play

  • We will identify potential areas outside the field of play.
  • Plans will be developed for the management and enhancement of these habitat areas.

1.3. Birds and Bats

  • We will seek advice from nature agencies concerning bird life and bats around the field.
  • Plans will be developed to enhance habitats for the growth and diversity of birdlife and bats.
  • The development of birdlife and bats around the field will be monitored, partly by means of a sightings list on an ‘Environment’ noticeboard.

1.4. Mammals and invertebrates

  • We will endeavour to protect, improve and expand areas which may provide suitable habitats for these creatures.

1.5. Aquatic environment

A pond used to exist on the site. Ponds and wetlands, regardless of size, are very important wildlife habitats and can support large numbers birds, fish, dragonflies, amphibians and wild flowers.

  • We will endeavour to reinstate a pond on site working with the landlord and seeking other advice.
  • We will seek advice on location, construction, suitable linings and how to establish the pond before undertaking the project.
  • Once established we will maintain the pond and surrounding vegetation and monitor wildlife that visits the pond

1.6. Invasive species

  • We will research the invasive non-native species listed under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and Weeds Act 1959 and ensure that these species are not purchased or otherwise introduced on to the archery range.
  • Advice will be sought regarding the management any existing invasive/non-native species.

2. Water Use

Water is only used in the Club house kitchen and toilet facilities.

2.1. Water usage and efficiency

  • We will ensure water is used efficiently and wherever possible reduce its use and communicate to all users the need to conserve water e.g. turning taps off after use.

2.2. Reduce the impact of water usage

  • We will ensure that we do not pollute our local environment.
  • We will ensure that water is both supplied and disposed of, in the purest condition possible, meeting statutory requirements.
  • We will monitor for leakage.

3. Energy Use

Saving energy has positive environmental and financial benefits. The Club has a very low usage of energy but it is still required in the Club house.

3.1. Recording and reducing energy and energy costs

  • We will ensure energy is used efficiently and wherever possible reduce its use.

3.2. Alternative energy sources

  • We will endeavour to install solar panels.
  • We will keep energy supply under review and as the technology changes and improves we will, at the appropriate time, consider alternative sources of energy.

4. Waste and recycling

Waste is mostly created in the Club house. Reducing waste can have significant environmental and financial benefits.

4.1. Waste and recycling compliance

  • We will investigate legal requirements surrounding waste and refuse management, taking advice from the appropriate authorities.
  • All members and visitors will be made aware of how we dispose of waste and recycling.

4.2. Kitchen facilities

  • Where possible we will encourage all members and visitors to bring their own re-usable cups and water bottles.
  • At any events held at the club, we will endeavour to use reusable crockery and cutlery.

4.3. Plastic

  • Across all areas of the Club, we will seek to reduce plastic usage, especially single use plastic

5. Chemical Use

Chemical controls are an important particularly with the use of a petrol mower. Chemicals must be used with care and must be stored and disposed of according to legal requirements.

5.1. Safe storage and disposal

  • We will research the required standards for the safe storage, use and disposal of chemicals.
  • We will aim to ensure that our storage facilities meet all legal requirements.
  • We will ensure that chemicals are only used by responsible personnel and in appropriate weather conditions.
  • We will dispose of hazardous waste through an appropriate waste contractor.

6. Purchasing

The Club can have an impact outside our own organisation by the careful choice and purchase of products and services.

6.1. Procurement policy

  • We will try to minimise packaging where possible and look for packaging which is recycled or can be recycled easily.
  • Where possible and suitable, we will use local suppliers, especially with regard to food and seasonal products, to reduce transport costs and work in collaboration with the local economy.
  • When purchasing equipment of any kind, we will try to purchase the most energy efficient products and those with the longest effective life.
  • We will endeavour to purchase from suppliers that have a positive commitment to Environmental Policies.

7. Education and Training

An ethos of ‘green’ behaviour will contribute to the reputation of the club, its appearance, its costs, and its influence on all who come into contact with us.

7.1. Volunteers and members education and training

  • We will make all new members aware of the Club’s commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment.
  • The Club will look for opportunities to improve environmental practice by keeping up to date with UK Sport information and Archery GB, asking for and sharing expertise with other archery clubs.

7.2. Member awareness and involvement

  • All members will be made aware of the Club’s commitment to the environment and how archery can take place in a way that not only causes minimal harm to the environment but can also enhance it.

7.3. Volunteer work parties

To help maintain our field, we may ask for support from within our membership.

  • Any work to be carried out on the field by volunteers will be subject to health and safety at work legislation.
  • Planned work will be risk assessed for special qualifications or skills required to carry out the work safely.
  • All Volunteers shall be treated as staff employees and shall be assessed for their skill level in undertaking any work.